Scenario: A series of episodes based
around the idea of a special escort agency set up by a woman called
Molly Malone and the spanking adventures of the girls who work for her.
High summer and the air simmered gently as the sun sat lazy in the sky
peeking in through the blinds of Molly Malone's office as she
interviewed the, potentually, newest recruit for her Spanking Agency. A
50 year old gentleman by the name of Bernard Bertram Bigglesworth the
Third who sat opposite her in an outfit that made him look like he had
just walked out of a 1950's catalogue and who was the bearer of a smart
slicked back grey quiff and a bushy moustache that made him look even
more like he came from another era. Molly smiled as she listened to his
lyrical tones and the way he made each word sound like a story in
itself. The man was an out and out charmer.
"...oh crikey," he said thoughtfully. "Forever and a day I suppose. The
Mater and Pater were brought up religious and strict so it was only
natural that they did the same with the six of us. Myself and five
sisters that is. Any misdemeanour or hint of mischief was met with the
strap which hung by a hook on the back of the pantry door. Many a time I
would come home to find an elder sibling yelling blue murder bent over a
fireside chair as Mater strapped seven bells out of her bare bottom. I
suppose that's where the seed was sown for this sort of thing."
Molly glanced down at his resume. "A teacher then a Headmaster?"